My Kid Talks to Strangers
Owen likes to talk, he'll seize any opportunity to chatter away to an attentive physically present audience. Generally, he'll ramble on about his various bumps, bruises, and misadventures. Most stories start with the words "Well, you know what??" or "Guess what happened to my knee!". Then, he bombards the poor soul he's just cornered with a story that may only be interesting to him. One of those 'you had to be there' tales. Owen's articulate and social, and I'm not just saying that because he's my kid. He's always been a communicative guy, happy to reach out and connect with the people around him. As he's gotten older, he's four now, I've started thinking (and stressing) about Owen's view of the world around him. He thinks that everyone is good and kind. He's sure that everyone wants to engage with him, and he confidently strikes up conversation. I love that confidence in him and I'm hopeful that, as he gr...