Closed Doors and Open Windows
Recently, I put myself out there. I learned of an opportunity and I leapt at it. Picture a 7 year old girl twitching in her desk with enthusiasm, hand stretched into the air, each finger straight and reaching for the ceiling. "Pick me! Pick me! I can do it!". Yeah, that was me. Well, figuratively speaking. There was no desk, no room full of competing students. I simply filled out an application with thought, with diligence and with fervor and mailed it in. I told myself that I had it. I was a shoe-in, I could totally manage this task and be of use to these people. I began making plans in my head around this new opportunity, thinking about how it would impact my family, my calendar. They didn't pick me. They picked some other person I've never met and have no knowledge of. When I heard the words "thanks for your interest, we've selected another candidate", I cried. I sniveled. I phoned my mom and wailed "It's not fair! I would've been g...