
Showing posts from August, 2011

Even Sarah Richardson makes mistakes.

I was watching an episode of Design Inc. recently and, I'm not gonna lie, I found some pleasure in seeing Sarah Richardson screw up. She'd selected a shade of green for the main floor of a home and then, of course, left the painters to tackle the job. When she and Tommy arrived the next morning, there was this priceless glance at eachother as they looked around the space. The colour sucked. It was muddy, it was dark, it was dingy, it was.....sweet perfection. Of course, with their ridiculous talent, they quickly admitted that the colour flopped and moved on. The space ended up being beautiful, Sarah Richardson beautiful. That goof-up brings me great comfort as I show you the pic of the colour I'd originally painted the guest room. Prepare yourselves. I assume no responsibility for damage to your corneas after viewing this photo. The pic doesn't do this colour justice-it was NEON green. Lady GaGa would love this room! She'd throw on her...

Pretty in Pink? I think not.

When we moved into this place it was a 3 bedroom that was clearly missing a wall. The awkwardly long bedroom was painted a horrifying candy pink...well, horrifying to us..I'm sure it rocked the socks off the 2 pre-teen girls who once shared it. The carpet throughout this house is tired, stained and begging us to let it die but this room in particular was gross. It turns out that pre-teen girls aren't especially clean. Who knew? We moved our stuff in and immediately put the reno of this weird bedroom at the top of our list. We'd need to erect (tee hee...I said "erect", I'm so immature) a wall including closet spaces to make this house a 4 bedroom once again. When we discovered in August 2010 that I was building a brand new human being, the project took on an added sense of urgency as we'd be needing a baby room. Simon's room was the first to be finished and furnished.  The other room took a backseat to...well, to life. It's almost done, just f...

Well, Hello There Blogosphere!.

Well, here goes nothing. After a dear friend suggested it, I've taken to the blogosphere to share (and rant, and rave and brag and ponder..etc) about life with my boys. I'm guessing that whoever reads this will be friends or family so perhaps introductions are unneccessary. Still, in the off chance that a stranger happens upon this, I'm Suzie. I share my life, my love and my home with my boys: my husband, Tim, our sons, Owen and Simon and my big hairy beast of a dog, Berkley (aka. Berk-the-jerk). A year ago, we bought our new house and we're slowly but surely transforming it into our dream home. This house has already won a special place in our hearts, Simon was born here. We've got big, crazy plans for this place and I think that a blog might be just the ticket in helping us to chronicle the transformations. We're DIY-ers and totally shameless cheapskates. Luckily, Tim is a superb handyman and he's not afraid to tackle some jobs that would likely cause your...