When we moved into this place it was a 3 bedroom that was clearly missing a wall. The awkwardly long bedroom was painted a horrifying candy pink...well, horrifying to us..I'm sure it rocked the socks off the 2 pre-teen girls who once shared it. The carpet throughout this house is tired, stained and begging us to let it die but this room in particular was gross. It turns out that pre-teen girls aren't especially clean. Who knew? We moved our stuff in and immediately put the reno of this weird bedroom at the top of our list. We'd need to erect (tee hee...I said "erect"...man, I'm so immature) a wall including closet spaces to make this house a 4 bedroom once again. When we discovered in August 2010 that I was building a brand new human being, the project took on an added sense of urgency as we'd be needing a baby room. Simon's room was the first to be finished and furnished. The other room took a backseat to...well, to life. It's almost done, just finishing the curtains and shopping around for a new light fixture. Take a peek!
This is before the construction of a new wall, the addition of a doorway, and the demo of the closet. Wish I'd snagged a pic before we tore that naaaaaaaasty carpet out.
Awesome. A door. What kind of a room would we have without that?
We wanted Simon's room to be fun, bright, welcoming and unmistakeably blue. Thanks to modern technology we knew that we'd be having our second boy and we were pumped to decorate a room without worrying about keeping it gender neutral. Here's what we came up with.
Toy storage, and rocking chair for bedtime stories. |
We scored the vinyl name decal on Etsy.com. |
We figured that a kid's room was the perfect place to go a little crazy. The chances that I'd paint big fat stripes down the wall in my living room or kitchen are pretty slim, so this was entertaining. Yep, this is my idea of entertainment these days.
We think they make for a sweet focal point. |
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