Occasional Abandonment

I love my kids, really I do. I love my husband too but sometimes I want to tell him to get stuffed and then dash out the door and into my car. Well, last week I did just that-minus the 'get stuffed' part. I'd had the boys for 6 days solid, and Owen's been a miserable you-know-what since having his tonsils out. I've come to realize how integral to my sanity his 3 days/week at daycare are. Tim had to visit with family in Niagara last weekend and was gone for 5 hours. I know what you're thinking, 'what's 5 more hours after 6 full days?' I'll tell you what it is-it's 2 more viewings of Cars2 with a whiny brat on your lap. It's three more Jello related meltdowns. It's another diaper change for Simon while Owen whines at my leg. It's another scrub at the cat barf on the carpet. Tick Tock Tick Tock. I've gotta get the hell out of this place. The moment Tim walked in the door, he suggested that we try to get Owen out of the house for an hour. Here's how that conversation went:

Tim: "So where do you think we can go?"
Me: "We're not going anywhere. I'm going out. Don't call me, text only if there's bloodshed."

Then I grabbed my purse, mumbled a 'See ya suckas' and drove to my idea of paradise. Ikea. I bought crap I didn't need (like cupcake wrappers), it felt like therapy to throw stuff into my cart. A scented candle? Don't mind if I do. I strolled around avoiding eye contact with anyone because, damn it, I didn't want anyone to speak to me. Not even a friendly "how are you?" from a sales associate. I just wanted to be a face in the crowd on a busy Saturday. Nobody's wife, nobody's worn-out mother. I didn't intend to waste any precious alone time on pleasantries with strangers. Next stop, try on frilly dresses I don't intend to buy at Winners. That was fun but I wish my boobs were bigger. Only three more 'me' things to do: buy an iced capp, get an eyebrow wax and go to the LCBO for a bottle of Merlot.

I spent a total of three hours alone, I didn't think about my kids or Tim once. I breezed right past the kids clothes at Winners without glancing back. Well, maybe I thought of Owen once or twice. You see, a few times I felt like an escaped convict, certain that  someone would grab my arm and hiss "You're Owen's mom, right? Shouldn't you be at home with him while he's suffering?" I felt a pang of guilt at the thought, but pushed it away and pulled out a disasterous hot pink, skin tight number and made my way to the fitting room. Three hours by myself and I felt like a new woman. I felt human again, less like a frazzled, malfunctioning robot. When I got home, I was kinder to my family.

Maybe occassional abandonment is good for all of us.



  1. Heck yeah!

    And you may not need those wrappers NOW but they will come in handy one day. You'll be so glad to have them!

    1. I hope so, I guess I'm obliged to make cupcakes now. The kids'll be happy.

  2. This withdrawal is good sometimes, to get us out of the box. I head to the beach mostly, just to watch the waves slap the shore ;)

    1. Gaw! That sounds just dreamy, wish we had a decent beach around here. Enjoy the beachy goodness and thanks for reading!

  3. You're so right. I spent last year holed up in the house with the kiddo and was very unhappy. Then I started taking "me" time, escaping to places besides the grocery store and it's been great! I'm a better mother and wife for it.

    1. Good for you! Bet your whole house is happier. Thanks for reading, it's appreciated!

  4. You said it! Good for you for knowing what it takes to recharge.

    1. Thanks! It felt damn good to get out by myself. An iced cappucino has never tasted better than it did that day.

  5. What a great title! Occasional abandonment - a great concept - yes, I do think this is good for all of us.

  6. YES! I swear to you I JUST had this convo yesterday. I told Hubs, "If I were to go away with friends for the weekend, it would be girl's time. If I go away alone, it's abandonment." And I feel sooo guilty for saying this, but I really need some "me" time soon. Before I go ape shit. Great blog!

    1. Yeah, I was at the ape shit point when I made my escape. My hands were shaking as I drove to Ikea. Next time, I'll *try* to stake out some time for myself before I want to drop the f-bomb in front of my family. Thanks for the comment!

  7. Yes! I have done exactly this. After one particularly trying day at home with my teething son, as soon as my hubs walked in the door I handed him the baby, said, "Take this," grabbed my keys, and left. I think it's good for us to respect our own limits.

    1. "take this" Ha! That's priceless. I totally get it! Thanks for reading.

  8. My youngest is 22 now but I survived partly because I took some alone time once in a while. Momma needs some breathing room ... especially on THOSE days!

    1. Wise words! You're right, when 'THOSE' days crop up, it's better for everyone if I take some breathing space. Thanks!

  9. I have seen this in my house. Having older kids to watch the younger is nice for both parents to escape somewhere. Inevitably, some kid in some store will let out a "mommmmmmmmy" and my wife will visibly twitch for a few moments.

    We were at the home depot this past weekend and there were kids craft tables set up and a whole lot of unnecessary hammering. She almost didn't go in...

    Funny (and true) post.


    1. Ha! The unnecessary hammering might have sent me running for the exit too.

  10. Oh this sounds just delightful. You've got me daydreaming about what I would do with a few carefree hours...

  11. Uninterrupted adult time is THE key to sanity. Don't apologize, congratulate yourself on your genius. This sounds just lovely. No time for guilt NOW or ever. Erin

  12. Scented candle? Don't mind if I do.. so funny. Solitude, when you can get it, restores the mind to its rightful place. But it doesn't help with bigger boobs! Nice post, I enjoyed it.

    1. Thanks Stephanie! I guess I'm just going to have to come to terms with my tiny tits...at least I've got that scented candle to comfort me. Thanks for reading!

  13. Hahah that definitely sounds like a great idea. I can't imagine now having alone time.

  14. Absofrickinglutely! My husband travels for work and I am SO following your example next time he gets home. I'm just going to go ahead and print out this post. PS - I wish I had smaller boobs - the grass ain't always greener.

    1. Oh yeah, after he's been out of town, you totally deserve a break! Thanks for reading.

  15. Oh, you totally need that every now and again!! My husband is headed out on business tomorrow to Sunday and I'm already plotting some me time when it's over!

  16. I get it. And I have only 1 kid. And two dogs. And a cat. And I work from home.

    ~The G is Silent

    1. Your house sounds like mine, a three ring circus! Thanks for commenting.

  17. That's a great reminder to sneak off and have a day to yourself. I did this the other day and it was delightful. You went to Ikea, I went to a spa, it doesn't matter - just leave for awhile.

    1. Oooooh Spa. Sounds sweet! Thanks for reading and commenting.

  18. LOVE this post! Good for you for knowing you were at your limit and getting the hell out of there for a while. For me, taking those breaks and taking good care of myself is essential to being a good mom and being able to really be there for my family. I feel guilty at times as well but making time for myself is a win-win situation for everyone! Awesome post and I hope you get to have another afternoon to yourself soon!

  19. Oh boy do I get it. 5 kids, 1 husband and a dog. I get it. There are days that I know if I don't get at least an hour by myself with nobody watching me pee or shower, I will lose my ever lovin' mind! Great post. I adore Ikea. It's my happy place.

    1. Oh yeah, you get it. I can tell. Sometimes I fake poop to get a break. I lock myself in the bathroom with a magazine and scream "Can't I even poop in peace???" when someone comes banging on the door.

  20. You know what I find is a problem half the time - I want to sleep during all my "me time"! And I can't because some bastard's always screaming or crying or fighting! I want wholesome hourly-rate mother hotels to be installed in all cities ASAP! :)

    1. Hey, there's nothing wrong with sleeping! I love it! Enjoy your next snoozefest and thanks for reading.

  21. Good for you! Sorry you've had such an overwhelming time, but I'm glad that you got the time to recharge.


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