My Twisted Relationship with Facebook

I've had a bad week. One of those weeks where a daily dose of Merlot is a must. I've been brought to tears on three separate occasions this week as Owen recovers from his tonsillectomy and adnoidectomy. On a side note, am I the only one who finds it funny that the medical community refers to that surgery as a 'T&A"? At first, Owen seemed completely unaffected by surgery. For God's sake, he was ticked off with me because I wouldn't give him corn pops the morning after! I thought we were home free. The only family on the face of the planet with a child so astoundingly amazing that he was unaffected by having his tonsils out. He's basically Superman. I was wrong. Within 48 hours, he'd taken a downturn. The moaning, the whining, the crying, the restlessness, the boredom-it's been a bummer in the Crick household this week. Once or twice, I felt my patience wearing out. I snapped at him when he asked to watch Cars 2 again, I demanded that he choose s...