Resolutions. Are they a pointless exercise?

I do this every year. Every. Single. Year. I dream up a long-winded, overwhelming list of New Years Resolutions and vehemently commit to following through. Each year, I swear I'll be more committed than the last and then by mid-February I'm beating myself up for dropping my resolutions like a bad habit. Usually, my resolutions have an awful lot to do with my house. I can't help it, I'm a dreamer and this house is full of potential and in serious need of some loving. I watch Sarah Richardson's shows and swing between complete adoration on one hand and 'uh-I hate this perfect bitch and her $20,000 decor budget PER ROOM." on the other. Still, she inspires me and I will work with what I've got to make my house shine for my family. So here goes nothing, here's my list of resolutions for 2012. Maybe posting them to the blogosphere will somehow make me feel more accountable for them.

1. Re-do master bedroom
2. Give the kitchen a face lift using paint only.
3. Re-grout and repaint kids' bathroom
4. Take karate. Make that 'take karate and be wicked awesome at it.'
5. Get my hair to look exactly like Kate Middleton's
6. Be a ninja.
7. Beat up Chuck Norris.
8. Be honest with people, but diplomatic.
9. Be honest with myself.
10. Stop it with the hypochondriasis-I do NOT have the rare diseases I see on TLC.
11. Submit to a colonoscopy...I've done an awesome job at avoiding this one.
12. Create a safe, fun and functional playroom in the basement.
13. Find the time and money to take a family vacation.
14. Take the time to truly enjoy the craziness of life with a husband, 2 boys, a big dog and a cat.
15. Give myself a break when I drop the ball, miss the mark or screw up in some way. I'm doing the best I can.

Let's face it-some of these goals just won't make it. In fact, the kitchen face lift was on last years' list! Some of them will be long forgotten by February, but this year I'm going to focus on the ones most important to me. I'm going to spend less time perusing photos of other people's kids on facebook and play on the floor with my own kids instead.  I'm going to enjoy my family, be kind to others and myself and, fingers crossed, tackle a few projects around here. It's been a wonderful year, I'm looking forward to the next. I wish you and yours only the very finest in 2012! After all, you deserve it-be kind to yourself.


  1. Suzie you're brilliant. End of story. I relate so much to you. You inspire me. Also making my hair look like Kate Middleton's is also on my list. It's an important one. Also on my list, becoming a ninja. I have one speed according to my man so I could really use the pick-up in pace. I need to drop the Hypochondriasis as well. I freak over the little things and expect an ambulance ride over a paper cut but when it comes to something I should generally be concerned about I'm passive. We shall tackle these daunting lists of ours one glass of merlot at a time!

    Erin C.

  2. " ambulance ride over a paper cut" LOL! Erin, you crack me up. Can't wait till you're back in Ontario to have that glass of merlot with me. Thanks for the kind words!


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