The Power of the Belly

I love seeing a pregnant belly. I honestly have to pry my eyes away before the mother-to-be realizes that some scrawny freckled lady is ogling her in the cereal aisle. I imagine the incredible waterworld that baby is living in, it's little legs tucked up underneath it's wee bum. Isn't it understandable that the population in general is in awe of a pregnant belly? I realize, having had two kids of my own, that being bombarded by unsolicited comments from strangers can be a downer. I've heard from plenty of friends of the countless times they've been pawed by strangers who couldn't resist the roundness of the belly. It seems that being touched by strangers isn't widely enjoyed by pregnant women. Except me. I must be the exception to the rule. That was one of my favourite parts of 'showing', I'm like a Golden Retriever. Admittedly, the first few times it happened on the train or in the grocery store, I'd been a bit jumpy. Then I got to thinking. This world, this day in age that we live in, is hectic. People are generally self-centered and that's not a criticism, people have to be self-centered to some degree. There are families to care for, employers to satisfy and laundry to wash, dry and fold. When I was commuting to work everyday, I often felt this pang of lonliness as I joined the mass exodus leaving the train station. Everyone with their eyes down, the click clack of dress shoes, the same boring ties and jackets. Despite walking shoulder to shoulder with another person, people rarely acknowledge eachother. Lost in their to-do lists, their calenders, their newspapers, people are isolated even when in a crowd.

How incredible is the draw of a pregnant belly? It has this magical ability to bring strangers together. It's the belly that inspires the older women at the grocery store, the bank, the gas station...etc. to think "I have something to share. Something of use for this young woman and her growing baby." Of course, this is the same thought that leads to the unwanted advice that pregnant women are forced to smile and nod at. Still, to cause a person to believe that they have something of worth to say to a stranger is a pretty cool thing. The instant that paunchy belly turns into an undeniable baby bump, the world's mothers are ready to excitedly ask "Is this your first?", "Do you know what you're having?", "Have you thought of names?". Sure, answering the same question 567 times in a matter of months, may be annoying. Still, I can't help but believe that people only ask because they'd like to be privy, for just a few minutes, to the magic of building a brand new human being. There's a community to parenthood that I never understood until I was sporting a t-shirt with a slimy shoulder, or, mistakenly, pulling a rubber ducky out of my purse instead of my cell phone. People excitedly ask a pregnant woman about the soon-to-arrive baby,simply because they'd like to connect.

This is yours truly at 36 weeks with Simon. Look at me, I can't even keep my own hands off the buddha belly.
Now, back to the belly rubbing. Of course, having your body touched by a random person isn't for everyone. I understand why most pregnant women don't appreciate the gesture. For me, it's the most moving evidence of the belly's ability to connect people. To cause one stranger to reach out and touch another, there's beauty in that. I will never touch a belly without being invited, you have my word! But if I'm ever blessed with a big, round bump again at some point in my life, please come on over and give this gal a belly rub. I promise I won't pant and roll over, that'd be weird.


  1. Great post! I so loved having my belly rubbed by family, friends, and strangers. There wasn't a lot I loved about (my) pregnancy. But that was an exception!

    1. Well, I think you and I are rare! Thanks for reading!

  2. I would love a pregnant belly if I looked like you!!! I looked like a beached whale.....

  3. I loved rubbing my pregnant belly. And I would totally give yours a pat, if you let me. :-)

  4. I think you looked adorable pregnant, but I hated people touching me when I was pregnant and never really enjoyed the state of pregnancy itself any of my five times. I do really like this piece though and what it says about the bigger world we live in. Nice work, Erin

    1. Thanks, pregnancy isn't for sissies eh? There was plenty I didn't like, but that perfect buddha belly made up for it all. Oh, and the baby too. That was a nice bonus.

  5. Ha interesting perspective! I would HATE being touched, I know.

    1. Thanks, I don't blame you-most women seem to hate it.

  6. I can't say I ever enjoyed having my pregnant belly touched by strangers, but I could certainly see how some people really are drawn to it. It is kind of a marvel really that big drum tight belly with the feet and bum randomly rolling against it.

    1. It's incredible. I loved feeling my baby roll around in there, it's just the coolest feeling on the planet. Thanks for reading!

  7. Well no wonder you love a pregnant belly! Look how cute you are!! I loved the golden retriever line. Funny!

  8. You make pregnancy cute. People were scared to touch my belly. Because I looked scary.

    1. Now, I'm sure that's not true. We're our own worst critics!

  9. That is seriously one of the cutest pregnant bellies I have ever seen. I am completely anti-touch when it comes to pregnant bellies but even I want to touch your belly. I may or may not have just touched it through the computer screen. Haha! The few people who dared try to touch my belly yanked their hands back right quick when I growled at them, presumably out of fear that my bite was going to be worse than my bark. Haha!

    1. I usually growl when people touch my food, I'm not a good share-er. But my pregnant belly? Have at 'er! Thanks!

  10. Awww... what a beautiful post. I would love belly rubs ;)

  11. This is such a sweet way of looking at it. Lovely. I hated the belly rubs and question, but mostly because I'm awkward on a normal day and never knew what to do or say.

  12. Adorable! I've never looked at it this way, and having never been pregnant, I'm not sure how I'd feel about the belly rubbing...but honestly, I can see your point, and I'd like to tthink I'd enjoy the connection you describe here.

    Great post!

  13. I laughed out loud at the golden retriever bit. Too cute. I don't touch women's bellies. I used to swear up and down that I would freak out if anyone ever touched mine. But now...well...struggling to get pregnant has changed my feelings on that. If I ever get pregnant, I want to whole world to lay their hands on my belly.

  14. I never liked having people touch my belly. However, I loved to sit down, and watch my distended belly move back and forth as my son moved. I found it entertaining. At least until he started kicking me in the ribs. :)

    1. Ah, I remember that feeling. I used my thumb to dislodge my son's heel from one of my ribs. So uncomfortable! Still, the crazy movements are wonderful. We videotaped some of that, I still watch it once in awhile.

  15. I loved belly rubbing too. This post made me miss being pregnant...

    1. I miss it too sometimes! Who knows? maybe I'll have just one more :) Thanks for reading!

  16. I do love feeling a baby kick and squirm while still inside that big round belly. It reminds me of my own pregnancies.

  17. I think this is the first time I've heard a woman want to have the belly touched by strangers. I always feel a bit weird seeing a Buddha belly and not wanting to rub it.


  18. I love seeing pregnant bellies and i loved being pregnant though i was incredibly sick and miserable. I am very anti belly touching by people other than a select group of family and friends. But I'm not a hugger or a toucher.

  19. You are so cute! I'm not even 5 feet tall, so everyone who asked when I was due told me that I looked like I wouldn't make it (I didn't, btw.). That was super annoying. But, I love to see a pregnant belly. It reminds me of how awesome it felt for me.

  20. I never once had any unintended belly gropers with both PGs! I did have a male nail tech, while 36 wks PG getting a pedicure swear up and down that baby 2 (who's sex was unknown)was most definitely a boy and that there was no way he was wrong.
    But, he was! As were most people who thought based off of how I carried that she would be a he!


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