Let there be light

After shopping and shopping and shopping and...you get the idea...I couldn't find a light fixture that I loved for the guest room. I think we can all agree that the ugly 90's ceiling fan has to go.

buh-bye ugly!

Now what-the-what could I put in it's place? I'd all but given up and and spent the $80 necessary to bring home this souless and overpopular Ikea fixture because while it may be souless it's still super duper cute.

Well, as luck would have it, my mom found a lovely new light fixture for her dining room and wouldn't be needing the old chandelier any longer. Score! I'll take it! 'FREE' is definately my favourite 4 letter 'F' word.  I brought the bronze bad boy home, bought a can of spray paint and voila! Here's a before and after for you.
I've also made some other additions to the room to finish it off-new sheets in a geometric pattern, art for the wall opposite the bed, a lamp, and the curtain panels I made (with help from my mom and, amazingly, Tim-he's one of those geniuses that can flip through a manual and then teach you how to use the machine). The fabric I used on the curtains is 100% cotton, with a fine white and navy stripe. 



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